Depending on your skin type, your body will produce between 1,000 and 10,000
international units (IUs) of vitamin D when exposed to 30 minutes of the mid-day sun.
This is important because vitamin D deficiency has been linked to weak bones,
insomnia, mood disorders, hormonal imbalances and more. But too much of anything
can be bad, and sun exposure is no exception.
Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer
According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), skin cancer is the single
most common type of cancer, with roughly one in five Americans developing it at some
point during their life. A leading contributing factor of skin cancer is sun exposure.
Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) rays that penetrate the skin and promote abnormal cell
growth. Statistics show that up to 90 percent of all non-melanoma skin cancers involve
prolonged exposure to the sun.
Sunlight is actually a form of radiation. The Earth's geomagnetic field filters some of this
radiation but not all of it. As a result, some solar radiation penetrates through the
atmosphere while exposing us and everything else on this planet to UV light. There are
ways to protect your sun from solar radiation, however, including the use of natural
sunscreen lotion.
Choose Your Sunscreen Lotion Carefully
It may sound contradictory, but some sunscreen lotions may actually increase your risk
of skin cancer. Many store-bought sunscreen products, for instance, contain nano
particles of zinc oxide. Zinc oxide itself isn't necessarily bad; it's actually an effective
compound for blocking solar radiation. When processed for sunscreen lotion, though,
companies often create a fine chalk-like powder of zinc oxide consisting of 100nm or
smaller particles. The zinc oxide particles are so small that they absorb into your skin.
The precise effects of nano-sized zinc oxide remains unknown, but some health experts
believe it's a contributing factor in skin cancer. Once absorbed by the body, they disturb
cellular growth and function. This has prompted many health-conscious individuals to
seek a safer alternative form of sun protection.
What Is Natural Sunscreen Lotion?
Natural sunscreen lotion is made using safe, natural ingredients. Coconut oil, for
example, is a common ingredient found in natural sunscreen lotion. Extracted from
mature coconuts, this all-natural ingredient contains a sun protection factor (SPF) of 5. It
also contains antioxidants to strengthen the skin and protect against oxidative stress.
Furthermore, coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making it particularly
beneficial for people suffering from chronic inflammatory skin conditions like eczema.
Shea butter is another common ingredient used in natural sunscreen lotion. Extracted
from the nuts of the shea tree, it contains high concentrations of fatty acids, including
oleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid. The high fat content of shea butter makes it an
excellent moisturizing cream or lotion. Additionally, shea butter has natural sun-blocking
properties, keeping your skin safe from UV rays.
Some natural sunscreen lotions also contain zinc oxide but in larger particles. Zinc
oxide is found in the Earth's crust. Normally, it doesn't pose any risk to our health. If it's
processed into nano-sized particles, though, some experts believe it increases the risk
of skin cancer.
When choosing a natural sunscreen lotion, consider the types of UV light it blocks. All
sunscreen lotion is designed to block the sun's UV rays. With that said, there are two
specific types of UV sunlight: UVA and UVB. UVA rays are primarily responsible for
sunburns whereas UVB rays are responsible for skin aging, wrinkles and fine lines.
Additionally, they are both associated with an increased risk of skin cancer.
Some sunscreen products only protect against UVB rays, leaving your skin susceptible
to UVA. A broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion, however, is formulated to protect against
both types of solar radiation.
Other Tips to Protect Your Skin from Sun Damage
Wearing natural sunscreen lotion is just one way to protect your skin from sun damage.
You can also cover your skin and limit the time you spend outdoors. By following some
simple steps, you'll promote healthier, more youthful skin.
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